Останні публікації

18.10.2013   12:03Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини

The ECHR found the investigation of murder in Chernihiv Oblast ineffective

The European Court of Human Rights has decreed to pay 10 thousand euros to two Chernihiv women for the ineffective investigation into the murder of their son and husband, which lasted 9 years, citing the press service of the ECHR.

Mother and widow of the murdered in the bar Chernihiv Oblast Volodymyr Pozhyvotko won a case against Ukraine in the European Court of Human Rights. Natalia and Maria Pozhyvotko, mother and widow of the deceased, complained to the ECHR on the ineffectiveness of the investigation of murder of their relative. The ECHR decreed to pay 10,000 euros to each of them.

The man was shot in a bar in 2004. Since then, the investigation has not closed the deal once the incident because there was no sufficient reason to condemn the prime suspect in the murder.

There was also a theory that the suspect acted in self-defense. Every time when the case was closed, it was renovated in the higher courts.

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