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30.05.2016   21:50Чернігівський громадський комітет захисту прав людини

United territorial communities in Chernihiv region provide free legal aid

Deputies of the Desnyansky united community of Kozelets district adopted the Program on provision of free legal aid to the population of the district in 2016 – 2018.

On May 23 the Head of Department of cooperation with entities providing free primary legal aid in Chernihiv local centers for free secondary legal aid Olena Mikhailenko took part in the session of deputies of the Desnyansky united territorial community.

Chernihiv local centre for the provision of FSLA presented to the deputies the draft of the Program of providing free legal aid to the population of the Desnyansky united territorial community in 2016 – 2018. The composition of the community consists of 4 settlements: the villages of Desna, Kosachivka, Koropie, and Morivsk, where about 10 thousand people are living. Residents of these villages will be able to obtain free legal aid through the program.

The deputies got familiarized with the main objectives of the Program. They imply simplification and extension of access to free legal aid for socially vulnerable segments of the population, information campaigns, training representatives of local authorities and other providers of free legal aid. Also Olena Mikhaylenko emphasized that the adoption and funding of the Program will help to solve the issues of equal opportunities for access to free legal assistance to residents of remote settlements, to raise the legal awareness of people in the community, improve their level of confidence in the local authorities.

After receiving comprehensive answers to the questions and discussion of the draft program the deputies voted for the Program of providing free legal aid to the population of the Desnyansky united territorial community in 2016 – 2018.

Development and adoption of the Program took place with the support of Chernihiv Public Committee for Human Rights Protection within the project "Integration of primary and secondary free legal aid on the level of territorial communities of Chernihiv region".

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